I discovered painting later in life, and consider myself a lifelong learner.  It was also later that I discovered my deep need to be creative. While spending most of my adult life running my safety business I have produced a few movies, written a few scripts that are currently in development, and I am also gearing up to direct my first feature film. These creative outlets fed my craving to create for quite some time. I have always been attracted to abstract, yet it was a complete surprise when I discovered my natural curiosity and found my way into the medium.

I am a self taught artist.  From the first time I picked up a paintbrush, I knew I would never put it down, not for long anyway. 

I paint abstract art using acrylic paints on canvas and paper.  I am drawn to large over sized art. Art that demands to be the center of the room and beckons to be heard.  Painting has been an escape. The same way film making has allowed me to escape into a world of stories, growth, self awareness and my favorite, the exploration of the human condition.